SICSA PhD Conference 2014

SICSA is pleased to announce that the 6th annual SICSA PhD Conference will be held at the University of St Andrews on 9th and 10th June 2014.

SICSA PhD Conference 2014

The SICSA PhD Conference is open to all PhD students in Computer Science and Informatics working in Scotland. The programme has been designed to cater for students at every stage of their PhD and in every area of Computing Science research. En-suite accommodation will be available for all delegates coming from outside of St Andrews; on-campus at the University of St Andrews. There will be a conference dinner and social activities on the evening of 9th June.

There are no registration fees, conference dinner, or accommodation costs – these are funded for all delegates entirely by SICSA.  Travel expenses to attend the conference should be covered by your University – but you are advised to check locally with your School Administrator.

The conference is now a well-established forum for PhD students working within the SICSA research community and has grown year-on-year.  The conference is organised by a hard-working committee of PhD Students and SICSA staff.  This year the event will be themed around the SICSA Research Themes and the programme will include:

  • Student Hub
  • Keynote talks by Professor Michael Edmunds (University of Cardiff) and Professor Nitin Vaidya (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Poster Session with prizes
  • A range of skills workshops
  • Sessions on Defending your Research
  • An industry led panel focussing on the skills required by industrial employers
  • Conference dinner and social evening at Lower College Hall, University of St Andrews
  • Student presentations with prizes

For full details and to register your place please visit

Registration will close on 5th May 2014 and we advise early registration to avoid disappointment, as places are limited.