The Data Lab announce support for PhD/EngD

The Data Lab: PhD Programme
The Data Lab Innovation Centre has been created to generate economic and social value to Scotland through the application of data science.  We will deliver this through a combination of collaborative innovation, education and community building across universities, industry and the public sector.

A key activity of the Data Lab’s education remit is to support industrially relevant applied research in data science.  We are therefore delighted to announce support for a number of PhDs during 2015 and a larger programme beyond this.

PhD funding
The Data Lab will support up to three new industrially relevant PhDs to be commenced before the end of January 2016. Funding up to 50% of the PhD cost will be provided with the remainder to be provided by an industry (or public sector) partner.  We request applications from academic supervisors who have either a proposed project with an agreed industry and/or public sector partner or who are actively engaged with a partner to define a project.  To register interest:

1. Complete the 1 page expression of interest (EOI) form.
2. Send the completed form to
3. The closing date for EOIs is Friday 21st August.
4. The Data Lab Education Board will review all EOIs and invite successful applicants to complete a full proposal.

Research degrees
The Data Lab has funding for over 20 research degrees beyond 2015.  We are currently scoping a programme that may include, in addition to PhD support, applied research through an engD (or similar) with teaching delivered from a number of partner universities.  Please contact to register interest in contributing to this programme.