SICSA Postdoctoral Engagement in European Research Funding (PEER) – £10K per applicant available 

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) recently awarded SICSA further funding to boost participation in European research.   SICSA is therefore able to provide support of up to £10,000 per application for researchers in Informatics and Computing Sciences pursuing participation in EU projects. We will consider proposals from all researchers working within SICSA institutions.

You can find more details for the EC H2020 Work Programme (2018-2020) here.

What can the funding be used for? 

Funding can be sought for a broad range of activities relating to any relevant EU call including:

• Travel to consortium meetings;
• Travel for establishing network connections – I.e. Travel to partner institutions; travel to EC information events etc.
• Cost of specialist consultant support for EU funding bids;
• Support for SICSA academics time to develop proposals (i.e. charging an agreed percentage of staff time to SICSA); and
• Admin time to coordinate bids and meetings (i.e. charging a percentage of staff time to SICSA).

Funding can be for any amount up to a total of £10K

How to apply

If you are interested in applying for this funding please visit our PEER information page to download an application form. There are no deadlines and you can apply at any time.

If you have any questions at all please contact