SICSA Update…..

A short update from SICSA……

Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 outbreak all forthcoming SICSA sponsored events have been postponed.  Event details continue to be displayed on our web-site and we will obviously update these as and when the circumstances change.   If you are thinking of organising an event or workshop for the future please do have a look at our funding page

Please do remember that our funding call is still open; more details can be found at  The closing date for this funding call is 30 April 2020.

The closing date for applications for the role of Director of SICSA is 31 March; if you are interested in applying for the position but need additional time due to the changing circumstances then please do get in touch with us at   Please contact our current Director Professor Aaron Quigley if you would like to chat informally about the position.  Further information and details of the application process can be accessed at

If you have any questions about SICSA activities at this time please email