Through the Looking Glass: Breaking Barriers in STEM Event- Artwork Competition

Can’t get to the pub.. SULSA has your lockdown activity sorted!

As part of the Through the Looking Glass: Breaking Barriers in STEM event, SULSA is launching an original artwork competition! We want to know what an inclusive and diverse environment in STEM looks like to you? And so we are welcoming original creations that depict this, these creations can come in any form, audio, images, video or physical creations (send us a video of these).

Please upload your entries here by the 1st December at 5pm.

The winner will be announced at our event and will win £150 in Amazon vouchers!

If you haven’t already, you can still register for our event, either just for the panel session or for the full day including the breakout sessions. The afternoon will be introduced by Richard Lochhead, MSP, and we have support from our fellow RIS members as well as Evidence Base. This is an action-orientated event to explore where the issues lie in Inclusion and Diversity in STEM and to identify actions to take forward to tackle these. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Art Competition is being run by SULSA but is open to all to enter and attend the event!