A vibrant community in computing research education at Glasgow Caledonian University

At GCU there are a number of active areas of education research and scholarship in Computing:

Cloud Computing Curriculum

Brian Hainey and Sajid Nazir are participants in a series of ITiCSE Working Groups which address the challenges that instructors face in teaching rapidly evolving cloud-related concepts. Brian is a co-leader of the ITiCSE 2020 group.

Engagement in online tutorials

Bobby Law and Iain Lambie, are working to identify elements of best practice for the delivery of online synchronous tutorials. This work is founded on extensive experience with the OU as well as GCU, and has particular resonance at present.

Teaching and learning of programming

Jim Paterson has contributed to a number of ITiCSE Working Groups related to teaching and learning of introductory programming and programme comprehension in an education context. Related to this, he is working on the use of eye-tracking to study programming comprehension in novice programmers. Sajid Nazir is working on novel contexts for teaching data structures, in association with our partner institution, the African Leadership College in Mauritius.