Highlight Your Talent with Company Connecting

by Jordan Watts, Marketing Manager at Company Connecting
24 April 2017

Company Connecting ImageCompany Connecting is a Scottish based platform designed to help IT companies and individuals working within IT to find one another, essentially facilitating the growth of the IT industry by improving accessibility. We have gathered all the data on Scottish IT companies with individual detail and analysis applied, and are currently working on companies in the rest of the UK. We use this highly detailed information to connect people and organisations both within and outwith the IT industry. Our ultimate aim is create a niche IT ecosystem which provides streamlined connections to promote excellence and create growth within information technology.

A crucial part of this work is the detailed and insightful content which we publish regularly in the form of blogs, articles, infographics, videos and whitepapers. Key to this publishing, is our ever popular Student/ Graduate series. This series focuses in on some of the brightest new talent in the areas of IT, Computing, Science and Business emerging from Scottish Universities.

Company Connecting attended a SICSA event back in 2016 and were inspired by the fantastic work going on within Informations and Computer Science by individuals from Scottish Universities. Ever since we have endeavoured to highlight SICSA through our regular Student and Graduates blog and are currently hoping to expand this further.

We are currently looking for more students and graduates involved with SICSA, and beyond, to feature in the next instalments of our series. It is a fantastic way to create awareness about research, start up businesses, for finding employment post-university, and simply highlighting your studies. If you are interested, you can get in touch with us here, or alternatively you can speak to SICSA for more information.