SICSA Saltire Emerging Research Scheme – Visit at the Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary.

16 August 2022,

by Jaspreet Kaur, University of Glasgow

I am Jaspreet kaur, a 2nd year PhD student at the University of Glasgow, James Watt School of Engineering. My research interest is exploiting location and geographical information for adaptive beam forming (a 5G and beyond technology) for transport systems. Currently, I am modelling some buildings and areas on Wireless Insite (a radio planning and ray tracing software) to generate data sets for users around the campus. The dataset is used in beamforming algorithms to steer the beam in the direction of user movement.

Under the SICSA’s Saltire Emerging Research Scheme, I completed a two-month research visit at the Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary. I worked closely with Dr Sandor Laki, who is an expert in traffic analytics, IP geolocation, application of software-defined networking and language abstractions for programmable networking elements.

Our project is focused on integrating P4 programming and P4 switch for the Localisation of user equipment. The idea is to use the P4 switch to provide information like the angle/phase from the user equipment to the transmitter/ base station to steer the beam in the direction of or user.

During the visit, we initiated the approach to integrate the P4 switch for the localisation of user equipment. P4 switch holds the reference table consisting of a range of phase values that are calculated by dividing the 500 m area from the transmitter by the grid approach. This reference table is used to match the actual position of user equipment and also this information is feedback to the transmitter to steer the beam/pilot signal towards the user.

I also learned about Hungarian culture, I enjoyed Hungarian food and visited attractions; the best part was trying the Hungarian language with natives. This research collaboration has brought productive research outcomes and exciting network-building with colleagues in ELTE and BME. The next plan is to continue our collaboration in an online manner for further refinements of the current research output and to get the work published.

I would like to thank my kind hosts at ELTE, Budapest and supervisors at UOG, Glasgow, as well as SICSA and everyone involved in the Saltire Emerging Researcher scheme. I wish SICSA will hold the programmes like this in future as well to provide future researchers with a chance to explore the world’s research institutes and excel in their research in collaboration.