Data Science Industrial Doctorate Funding Call 2018

The Data Lab is supporting up to six new industrial doctorate projects. Funding for up to 50% of the programme cost will be provided, with the remainder to be matched by an industry (or public / third sector) partner. The Data Lab are looking for applications from universities that have a proposed project with an industry or public sector partner.

For an Industrial Doctorate project to be eligible for The Data Lab funding it must be hosted at a Scottish University and be sponsored by an Industry or public sector Sponsor that has an operational base in Scotland.

To find out more details about the application process, please read the guidance document.

To apply, please complete the Industrial Doctorate Application form.

The closing date for the first quarter is 17:00 on Friday 6 April 2018. If you miss this quarter, the next reviewing date will be in July 2018.

If you have an idea for an Industrial Doctorate project but you do not yet have a University Partner or an Industry Sponsor, The Data Lab can help match you with possible partners:

  • If you are a University seeking to collaborate with an Industry Sponsor, please complete and submit the Academic application form.
  • If you are an Industry Sponsor seeking to collaborate with a University, please complete and submit the Industry application form. Please have a look at the list of project opportunities, to find out if you could collaborate on one of projects already suggested by academics at Scottish universities.

If you have any questions, please contact Joshua Ryan-Saha – Skills Manager at The Data Lab.