Register to Exhibit at DemoFest 2017!

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SICSA DemoFest is the largest event of its kind in Scotland. Now in its tenth year, it showcases the very best of Informatics and Computing Science research from all of Scotland’s Universities. 

The next event will take place on 3rd October 2017, 4-7pm at Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh.

Register to Exhibit Now!
Exhibiting at DemoFest is free-of-charge.  However, space is limited within the exhibition hall to a maximum of 50 research stands and we encourage you to apply to exhibit your research by completing our short exhibitor questionnaire at as soon as possible or by latest 28/07/17.  We will confirm all exhibitors by no later than 04/08/17.

Why Exhibit?
We expect up to 200 delegates from business and the public sector, who will be keen to discover some of the cutting-edge research taking place currently in Computer Science and Informatics in Scotland.

The event provides a space for exhibitors to showcase their current research and discuss future academic and business collaborations, commercialisation opportunities, internships and placements, employment opportunities and much more.

Who can Exhibit?
We now welcome applications from researchers at all 14 SICSA Institutions.   Exhibitors are encouraged from all stages of research, from 1st year PhD to Professorial level.

We particularly encourage applicants who are keen to build collaborative linkages with industry; to commercialise their research; and to build contacts with other researchers.

 Your Space
All exhibitors will be provided with their own space in the exhibition hall featuring an individual pod for your research poster and space for any technology that you wish to demonstrate.

Your research will be featured in the event programme, which will be circulated to companies across Scotland.

If you have any questions please email the SICSA team at