Funding for Research Theme Events

The SICSA Research Themes are driven by our academic community and research events are a great way to build and maintain relationships across Scotland across disciplines.  We encourage researchers to organise activities across Research Themes, Research Pools and institutions, including Scottish Innovation Centres.  

General information

Applications can be submitted at any time and funds can be used for:

  • Event catering
  • Travel & subsistence for Keynote Speakers and Special Guests
  • Travel & subsistence for the event organisers & attendees (if they are not based in the host institution)
  • Travel and subsistence for Speakers & guests from other Research Pools and/or Innovation Centres

Events must be open to students and researchers from all SICSA institutions and students and, if applicable, participants from relevant Research Pools and Innovation Centres.

Information for cross-discipline proposals

Application Process

Please send a completed Research Theme Event proposal form to

Your proposal will be acknowledged and then considered by the relevant SICSA Research Theme Leader(s) and we will aim to confirm the decision within two weeks.

SICSA Research Theme Sponsorship Guidelines 
SICSA Research Theme Proposal