4 SICSA Research Challenges launched for 2015

Written by SICSA Admin

The SICSA Directors are pleased to announce that from February 2015 SICSA will fund a number of Research Challenges per year, each running for a period of 12 months.   Each of the SICSA Research Challenges will be driven by a problem or issue whose resolution will have impact on the world outside Informatics and Computer Science research; and they will require the combination of research from different areas across SICSA as well as involving other Research Pools or researchers in other disciplines.

The four SICSA-funded Challenges for 2015 will be

Future Cities
Identifying Health Promoting Elements in Care Homes
UX for mHealth: Understanding & Supporting Health and Wellbeing “In the Wild”
Visually-Impaired access to Visualised Data (VIVID) 

If you wish to find out more about the current Research Challenges or if you want to get involved, please visit the pages above or SICSA Research Challenges.

Postdoctoral and Early Career Researcher Exchanges (PECE) – Next Deadline 28th February

SICSA to sponsor 2 Saltire Fellowships in 2015. Deadline for applications – 17th March