Call for SICSA Knowledge Exchange Short-Theme Proposals – Now Open

Written by SICSA Admin


The SICSA Directors would like to invite proposals from researchers working within SICSA institutions for new KE short-themes that will complement the existing Research Themes and Challenges. We are looking to support themes of 12-months duration with up to £4k of SICSA funding (industry funding or other sources of funding from outside of SICSA can supplement this).


The SICSA Directors are interested in stimulating the Scottish community in future areas of interest. The goal for a KE short-theme is to have a clear voice and visibility to our colleagues in the Innovation Centres, Industry and Government. Our recent funding of the Future Cities and the Computing, Medical Imaging and Sensing themes shows there is a clear appetite for academics to connect and discuss around such emerging topics. We expect a proposal for a knowledge exchange theme to be co-led by a member of industry and a SICSA academic (I.e. Academic working within a SICSA member institution). The letter of support from the industry co-lead must clearly state their interest, time commitment and possible financial commitment to the KE theme. The industry co-lead does not need to be based within the UK but must clearly articulate their real and sustained interest in the leadership of this theme.

Making an Application: 

A simple proposal document, not longer than 2 A4 pages should be submitted, which covers the following aspects:

  1. Who is involved? The names and affiliations of the proposers, with a brief description of their background in the proposed area.
  2. A letter from the industry co-lead for the KE theme (indicating interest, time commitment, contribution etc.)
  3. What will be done?  A summary of the planned events; which industry, academics, research groups and user groups will be involved within SICSA and from outside Scotland? Provide names of potential distinguished speakers who could contribute to the Theme. Document the world-class track record of the key SICSA groups cognate to the proposed area and possible links to the Innovation Centres.
  4. What outcomes do you plan to achieve beyond the meetings?  (e.g. CASE students, KTP, grant proposals, internships, exchanges, visits, technical implementations, government policy changes etc.)

We particularly encourage applicants to consider a Horizon2020 proposal as a possible outcome to their KE short-theme. Applicants can request additional funds up to £2k from the SICSA PEER programme to top up their requested KE short-theme budget.

Target Areas: 

The KE short-themes could include or focus on the following areas:

  •    Wearables
  •    Citizen Science
  •    Programming the “Internet of Things”
  •    Next gen multicore & Low power hardware
  •    Sensing and Computing
  •    Computing and new materials
  •    Urban Informatics
  •    Intelligent systems & Autonomous Systems
  •    Social Robotics
  •    Data Science & Digital Technology
  •    Natural Language Processing, Search & Machine Learning
  •    Health and wellbeing
  •    Cyber Security
  •    *insert you short-theme idea here* – while our focus is on the above areas we will consider other proposals with clear interest and leadership from industry and a SICSA academic.

Unlike the previous call for KE short-themes in 2014 which was aimed at Early Career Researchers only, this call is open to all SICSA academics regardless of seniority.  

Please submit the proposal by 5pm on Monday 14th December to –  If you would like to discuss the proposal in advance, please e-mail the SICSA KE Director

SICSA DEMOfest – Registration Deadline Extended

SICSA Research Challenges – Call now open – £10K Available