Computing Science and Informatics Student Survey – March 2022

Tech Start-Ups and the Scottish Tech Ecosystem – A role for Scottish Universities and SICSA

Students of Computing Science, Informatics and related subjects are invited to participate in a short survey about support for students forming start-ups while they are at University.  This survey will be used to help inform SICSA’s* strategy for supporting technology entrepreneurship within Scottish Universities, as part of our response to the Scottish Government’s review of the Tech Ecosystem in Scotland (“the Logan Review”, 2020).

Participation is optional and can be anonymous.  Completing the survey will take approximately 5 minutes.  Results will be aggregated into a report to be shared with SICSA, its partners and funders. There will be further opportunities to participate in a focus group on this topic.

Please complete the survey here:

The survey is open from 12pm, 9th March – 12pm 1st April 2022