Early Career Industry Fellowship Deadline Extended

Written by SICSA Admin

Applications for the SICSA Early Career Industry Fellowship (ECIF) have been extended until the 14th December so there’s still time to grab this opportunity with both hands!


The ECIF programme has been designed specifically for Early Career SICSA academics who wish to work on a collaborative project with industry; and it aims to provide successful candidates with valuable experience of working directly with industry and opportunities for building long-lasting collaborations. The Fellowship is open to all early career researchers working in Informatics/Computing Science within SICSA member institutions. Successful candidates would be expected to undertake the fellowship for a period of up to one year full-time or two years part-time and SICSA will contribute a percentage of salary and research costs (up to £35,000) for successful applicants.

Please see Early Career Industry Fellowships for full details and to download an application form.

Call for SICSA Knowledge Exchange Short Theme Proposals (Industry and Early Career Researcher Led)

SICSA Research Pool develops Scottish Strengths in Informatics and Computer Science