Farewell to our Director, Professor Aaron Quigley

SICSA is saying farewell to its Director, Professor Aaron Quigley, University of St Andrews who has been appointed to the position of Head of School of Computing Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales, Australia.

Aaron has been a huge supporter of the Scottish Informatics & Computing Science Alliance (SICSA) over the years and has been personally involved in the Pool since it commenced. He was one of SICSA’s original academic appointments and has served as the HCI Research Theme Leader, SICSA Deputy Director and Director of Knowledge Exchange and since July 2019 the SICSA Director.  Speaking of SICSA Aaron said “Working with colleagues from across Scotland in SICSA has been one of the highlights of my time here. Our research themes and national activities have afforded myself and my colleagues an exceptional research environment. Access to resources and expertise across SICSA has given me a new perspective on how computing and informatics is reshaping the reality of life and how we tackle problems.

I will be forever grateful for the support I received and the access to the world leading talent here”

Whilst in his role at Director of Knowledge Exchange he led the establishment of The Data Lab Innovation Centre.  Gillian Docherty OBE, CEO of The Data Lab said “Aaron has brought great energy to the role of SICSA Director to drive collaboration across the members and partner organisations.  His focus and drive have ensured SICSA are in a great position of leading into this next period of the Research Pool Strategy and Direction.

Aaron also made a significant personal and professional investment in the creation and ongoing support of The Data Lab, a huge advocate of the importance of data to Scotland’s strength and opportunity.  He is a great loss for SICSA and Scotland, but we wish him all the very best for his new role and Australia is not that far away”

Polly Purvis, OBE, Former Chief Executive of ScotlandIS said “It’s been a pleasure working with Aaron over the last ten years, through his involvement with SICSA, the Aspekt project, the DataLab and as a member of the ScotlandIS board.  He’s a dedicated, energetic and very connected member of the academic community both here and internationally, and has worked  closely with industry, helping drive the adoption of innovation.   He’s also a great champion to have on your team and has always been generous in sharing his insights and knowledge and hugely supportive of his students and colleagues.
I shall miss him tremendously but wish him all the very best in his new role”

Aaron will be a huge loss to SICSA and Scotland, but we warmly congratulate him on his new position of Head of School at the UNSW and wish him the very best of luck in this new venture.