Free event: International Cybercrime Symposium and Summer School

An International Symposium and Summer School on the theme of Cybercrime. This will be the fourth annual event in this series, hosted by the University of Strathclyde, Department of Computer & Information Sciences, and the second to be held online. The event is attended by students and academics from Canada, Finland, Germany and Scotland and an invitation is extended to other interested parties, including law enforcement and security practitioners.

The free event runs from 16th – 20th August, between 4.30pm and 7.30pm each day. (The timing is chosen to accommodate the range of international participants.)

A draft version of the programme can be downloaded here: International_Cybercrime_Summer_School_Draft_programme_2021

If you wish to attend some or all of the programme, please email Dr George Weir (Strathclyde organiser), who will provide joining instructions in advance of the event.