MATCH-UP 2015: the Third International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences

Written by SICSA Admin

MATCH-UP 2015: First Call for Participation

16-18 April 2015
University of Glasgow, UK

co-located with Meeting of COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice

MATCH-UP 2015 is the third workshop in the series of interdisciplinary and international workshops on matching under preferences. The first in the series took place in Reykjavik in 2008, whilst the second took place in Budapest in 2012.  MATCH-UP 2015 is sponsored by SICSA and there are a limited number of funded places available for SICSA students.

Matching problems with preferences occur in widespread applications such as the assignment of school-leavers to universities, junior doctors to hospitals, students to campus housing, children to schools, kidney transplant patients to donors and so on. The common thread is that individuals have preference lists over the possible outcomes and the task is to find a matching of the participants that is in some sense optimal with respect to these preferences.

The remit of this workshop is to explore matching problems with preferences from the perspective of algorithms and complexity, discrete mathematics, combinatorial optimization, game theory, mechanism design and economics, and thus a key objective is to bring together the research communities of the related areas.

List of topics
The matching problems under consideration include, but are not limited to:

  • Two-sided matchings involving agents on both sides (e.g. colleg admissions, resident allocation, job markets, school choice, etc.)
  • Two-sided matchings involving agents and items (e.g. house allocation, course allocation, project allocation, assigning papers to reviewers, school choice, etc.)
  • One-sided matchings (roommates problem, kidney exchanges, etc.)
  • Matching with payments (assignment game, etc.)

Invited speakers

  • Katarina Cechlarova, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosic
  • Christine Cheng, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Herve Moulin, University of Glasgow

Accepted papers
We received 56 submissions, from which 38 were selected for presentation.
The list of accepted papers can be found here

Registration for MATCH-UP 2015 is now open. Registration covers entrance to the technical sessions, workshop proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches on Thursday 16 April, Friday 17 April and Saturday 18 April, and the workshop dinner on Friday 17 April. The early bird registration fees are £275 for full fee and £200 for students, and the early registration deadline is 12 March 2015. To register, follow this link:

If you wish to attend the co-located COST meeting then please note that you must register separately for that event. Registration (via does not open until 1 February 2015 (as COST IC1205 Management Committee members have priority to register until 31 January). We reserve the right to restrict numbers for that event due to financial and capacity constraints.

Applications for SICSA funded places
There are a limited number of assisted places, funded by SICSA, that will be awarded to PhD students at SICSA universities. These assisted places will cover the cost of registration but will not cover travel or accommodation.

Eligible applicants can apply by emailing with a 1-page CV containing at least the following information: student name, affiliation, PhD topic, supervisor name, one paragraph indicating why they feel that this workshop is relevant to their research, and any previous publications / papers in preparation.

The application deadline is 20 February 2015.

Important dates

  • Deadline for final versions of accepted papers / abstracts: 16 Feb 2015
  • Deadline for applications for SICSA funded places: 20 Feb 2015
  • Early registration deadline: 12 March 2015
  • Workshop: 16-18 April 2015

Organising committee co-chairs:
David Manlove, University of Glasgow, UK Baharak Rastegari, University of Glasgow, UK

Programme committee co-chairs:
Peter Biro, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary David Manlove, University of Glasgow, UK

Further information

SICSA Medical Imaging and Sensing in Computing – Forthcoming events

SICSA Early Career Industry Fellowship – Call now open