New SICSA Education Theme Launched

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new SICSA Education Theme, “Towards a School-University Educational Continuum in Computing”.  The launch of the new theme comes as a result of an open call to all SICSA institutions earlier in the year.

The new theme presents an opportunity for the SICSA institutions to have a real influence on the teaching of Computer Science within Scottish schools, with the aim of ensuring that it aligns with our collective aspirations for university entrance as well as the wider goals of computing education. The purpose of this theme is to form a network of interested academics, to work towards this goal in any possible manner. Such influence can come in various areas; those we have already identified are: working towards a unified computing education policy for Scotland; helping to develop high-quality educational materials for teachers; providing CPD for teachers, and providing help to the Scottish Qualifications Authority to move towards assessment frameworks which better align with university admissions desiderata.

The theme will hold a series of workshops in 2013 and 2014 to progress discussion and identify opportunities in this domain. The theme leaders are Professor Richard Connor of the University of Strathclyde, Professor Greg Michaelson of Heriot-Watt University, and Dr Quintin Cutts of the University of Glasgow.

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