New SICSA Research Theme Co-Lead for Data Science

Written by SICSA

We are delighted to announce Dr Stewart Massie, Robert Gordon University commenced in the role of the Data Science Research Theme Co-Lead today taking over the role from Professor Mike Chantler, Heriot Watt University.

Stewart is currently a Reader in Computer Science at Robert Gordon University working in the Smart Information Systems group with the School of Computing.  He has been heavily involved in SICSA in the early years with the SMART Tourism initiative and was a regular exhibitor and attendee at our annual DemoFest events.  Stewarts vision for the role as Research Theme Co-lead is to work closely with Dr Yashar Moshfeghi (current Co-Lead) to broaden the Data Science research theme’s impact within the academic environment and more widely with other potential stakeholders by encouraging the research to be more applicable, transparent and accessible.

Stewart is succeeding in the role by Professor Mike Chantler, Heriot Watt University who has been instrumental in leading /co-leading the Data Science Research Theme over many years.  Mike remains very involved in SICSA and the SICSA Directorate would like to express our huge thanks and gratitude for his support, hard-work and loyalty over the years.

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