Nuffield Research Placements – Poster Prize

Written by SICSA

SICSA is proud to be sponsoring this year Poster Prizes for the students participating in the Nuffield Research Placements (NRPs).

Nuffield Research Placements (NRPs) are engaging, real-life research or development projects, where talented year 12 (or equivalent) students are placed at the heart of a UK host organisation. They are a fantastic opportunity for students to apply skills and knowledge learned at school while providing a meaningful contribution to the work of researchers and industry professionals, in order to:

  • Develop subject understanding alongside research and quantitative skills to expand career prospects.
  • Learn more about higher education and different career paths.
  • Enhance UCAS personal statements and applications to university. An independent evaluation has shown Nuffield Research Placements increase access to university courses in STEM subjects.

At the end of the placement students are expected to submit a research report and conference poster.

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