Research Ventures Entrepreneurship Course – SICSA funded places available

Written by SICSA Admin

SICSA has 12 fully-funded places for research students in Computer Science to attend the next Research Ventures event, which will take place in Glasgow in June 2015.

To apply for a fully funded place on this course, please email with your name, institution, year of study, whether you require accommodation on the 22nd June, any special dietary requirements you may have, and also provide up to 200 words on why you wish to attend the course and how it might benefit you.

However big, however small your ideas, Research Ventures is about finding out how you can develop them into something that matters for you.  We’ll cover all the areas you’d expect from an entrepreneurship course (different business models, protecting your ideas, where to get funding…the nuts and bolts) but it doesn’t stop there. In two days, we get to the heart of what it means to be an enterprising researcher. You’ll meet some inspirational people and come away with new ideas, friends and collaborators, as well as a better understanding of what motivates you and how you can transform your ideas into reality.

The course and the skills you will learn from it is designed to be relevant to you now, in your research environment, as well as in the future, whether you see that as being in academia or in another kind of role. The course is being run in collaboration with Enterprise Campus.

Who is it for?
This course brings together early-career researchers (PGR and postdoctoral) from a wide variety of backgrounds, including physics, computer sciences, engineering, energy, chemistry and marine and earth sciences. It’s aimed at researchers with an interest in:

  • Exploring the commercial possibilities of a research idea and how your research might attract industrial funding or be used in setting up a spin-out company
  • Knowledge exchange, research impact and winning funding for academic career progression
  • Future employment in industry
  • Collaboration with researchers from other disciplines

Venues, travel and accommodation details
The course is free and takes place at The University of Glasgow. For anyone coming from outside of Glasgow, we will provide you with accommodation in the West End, close to the University.
To reach the University of Glasgow from Queen Street Station, you can take the Underground to Hillhead Station (about 10min) and from there it’s a 10min walk to the Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre. You should claim back travel expenses from your home institution or research pool. Please arrive no later than 10.30am on day one. We will finish by 4.30pm on day two.

Tutor and guests

Chris Russell
Chris Russell is a freelance education and skills trainer, based in the South West and working all across the UK. Always the budding scientist, Chris took a degree in Applied Physics, from which he graduated in 1998 before taking a year out for some “real world” experience. On returning to education to undertake a Masters, he finally found something he was really interested in and decided to study for a PhD in Medical Laser
Imaging. After seven years of PhD, post-doc, project management and presentations, Chris’ passion was on the wane and a new challenge beckoned. Pulled out of his indecision by redundancy and to the other side of the country by his personal life, his life as a roving freelancer began. Chris spends his time rejoicing in how others learn and excel; whether that’s youth groups, post grads, research staff or his extremely cheeky
son. His interest in thinking, inspiration and creativity extend through his work and life, and his passion for the outdoors sees him walking, biking, eating and growing wherever he can find fresh air.

Josh Sauter
Josh is the Enterprise Manager for Enterprise Campus West, supporting students and alumni with new venture creation. In order to provide the innovative and tailored advice necessary to support his current clients Josh has actively leveraged his five plus years of production process control and quality assurance as well as management of several departments within a high paced production environment (USA). Josh championed several improvement projects that have ranged in scale of both time and financial commitment which, combined with his recent MBA with distinction, allows him to deliver targeted and experience backed direction to sustain enterprise growth in the UK.

Other speakers will include patent attorneys, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and academic staff involved in spin-outs and other forms of commercialisation.

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