Research Ventures Entrepreneurship Course – SICSA funded places available

Written by SICSA

However big, however small your ideas, Research Ventures is about finding out how you can develop them into something that matters for you.

SICSA has 10 fully-funded places for research students in Computer Science to attend the next Research Ventures event, which will take place at the University of Glasgow on 16 & 17 May 2016.

We’ll cover all the areas you’d expect from an entrepreneurship course (different business models, protecting your ideas, where to get funding…the nuts and bolts) but it doesn’t stop there. In two days, we get to the heart of what it means to be an enterprising researcher. You’ll meet some inspirational people and come away with new ideas, friends and collaborators, as well as a better understanding of what motivates you and how you can transform your ideas into reality

The course and the skills you will learn from it is designed to be relevant to you now, in your research environment, as well as in the future, whether you see that as being in academia or in another kind of role. The course is being run in collaboration with Enterprise Campus

Who is it for?
This course brings together early-career researchers (PGR and postdoctoral) from a wide variety of backgrounds, including physics, computer sciences, engineering, energy, chemistry and marine and earth sciences. It’s aimed at researchers with an interest in
Exploring the commercial possibilities of a research idea and how your research might attract industrial funding or be used in setting up a spin-out company
Knowledge exchange, research impact and winning funding for academic career progression
Future employment in industry
Collaboration with researchers from other disciplines

To apply for a fully funded place on this course, please email with your name, institution, year of study, whether you require accommodation on the 16 May, any special dietary requirements you may have, and also provide up to 200 words on why you wish to attend the course and how it might benefit you.

For more information please see the SICSA Events Page

REMINDER: SICSA Funding Calls – 29 February 2016 

SICSA PhD Conference 2016: Registration now open