SICSA Conference 2021 – Careers Fair

Written by SICSA

The annual SICSA Conference is the showcase event for the Scottish Informatics and Computing Science Alliance, attended by academics, early career researchers and postgraduate research students from across Scotland.  This year, the conference will take place online using the ohyay platform, running from lunchtime on the 13th of September through to the following afternoon. The conference will comprise an exciting mix of keynotes from leading researchers, showcases of cutting-edge research from Scotland’s Centres for Doctoral Training, as well as tutorials and skills sessions for our participants.  We are also running the SICSA Best Dissertation Award for the second year which is being sponsored by Amazon Development Centre Scotland. 

 This year the conference will also feature a virtual Careers Fair and we are inviting tech recruiters from across the public and private sector to participate, gaining access to postgraduate computing research talent from across the fourteen Scottish universities. 

The opportunity to participate is aimed at technology focused recruiters seeking to recruit graduates and interns into their organization. Our research students offer a unique perspective, equipped with a research mindset and key technical skills from the wide range of rapidly advancing fields in computing, including robotics, augmented reality, cloud computing and virtualization, next generation networks, machine learning, AI and data science. 


The Careers Fair will take place online throughout the two days of the conference. We offer: 

  • Virtual exhibition space for your organization. 
  • Passes for up four representatives to attend all conference sessions throughout the two days. 
  • Your organization’s logo featured across on the conference platform, conference publicity and our extensive social media network. 
  • Complementary advertising space for up to 20 job vacancies and placements for 12-months on the SICSA web site; and support in circulating your advertisements across the Scottish Computing community.  
  • Participants given frequent opportunities to visit recruiter chat rooms during coffee and lunch breaks and whilst dipping in and out of the main sessions. 

The cost to exhibit at the SICSA PhD Conference Careers Fair is £400 (+VAT). 

About SICSA 

The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA) is a collaboration of 14 Scottish Universities. SICSA promotes international excellence in University-led research, education, and knowledge exchange for Scottish Informatics and Computer Science. 

We represent approximately 800 PhD students, 800 MSc students and over 5K undergraduate students studying Computer Science. 

Get in touch 

To book your space at the SICSA PhD Conference Careers Fair, please contact: 

 Aileen Orr (SICSA Executive Officer) 



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