SICSA Deputy Director/Director of KE & Impact – Deadline Extended

Written by SICSA Admin

The SICSA Directors would like to invite suitable candidates from any SICSA institution to submit an application for the role of Director for Knowledge Exchange and Impact / SICSA Deputy Director.

SICSA has a strong Knowledge Exchange programme, aiming to exploit and enhance the research capabilities and reputation of Scottish Universities, by assisting researchers at all levels in making a greater economic and social impact. The SICSA KE activities are coordinated by the SICSA Director for Knowledge Exchange and Impact / SICSA Deputy Director, with support from the SICSA Executive.

The SICSA Director for Knowledge Exchange and Impact / SICSA Deputy Director role is part-time, taking approximately 20% of the working week.

Applications are sought from suitable candidates working at any SICSA institution.

The Closing Date for applications has been extended to 5pm15th February 2019.

KE and Impact Director Role Description

KE and Impact Director Application Form

SICSA PEER award helps to further our own work in Europe

Applications invited for the post of SICSA Director