SICSA DVF Seminar Series – Professor Vincenzo Vespri, The University of Florence

Professor Vincenzo Vespri, from The University of Florence is visiting  Stirling University as SICSA Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

He has kindly offered to give the series of seminars below. He will be in Stirling from Sept.19th to Sept. 30th, happy to meet interested

colleagues- short bio sketch below.


IOTA, the blockchain of the near future?


Iota is not a blockchain but it can represent a potential evolution of blockchain technology. It was certainly born too early and faced technological problems too advanced for the technology of the moment (ternary system, post quantum cryptography, overcoming the linear structure of the blockchain with a tangle). But all these technological challenges must be overcome and the experience of IOTA could prove to be very important for the evolution of this technology.

Strathclyde University

September 21th – 13:00-14:00
Livingstone Tower, 26 Richmond St, Glasgow G1 1XH
Room: LT412

and those joining on zoom use:


The potential impact of CBDCs on the banking system


The cryptocurrency revolution will have the natural fallout in the creation of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) which will have a significant impact not only in the way money is conceived but also in the structure of the financial markets. In this talk, we will talk about the impact that CBDCs will have on central banks poised between maintaining the status quo and taking advantage of the undeniable advantages offered by a digital currency.

The University of Edinburgh

September 27th  – 16:00-17:00

Room:  IF-G.07


Financial markets, how is the best way to simulate them? 


The probability distribution underlying the performance of the financial markets is not a Guassian one. This implies that mathematical methods for describing market trends either do not always describe financial phenomena well or are too complicated to be implemented. One procedure is to study the probability distribution empirically, simulate it and obtain projections of future behaviors using the Montercarlo method. In this talk, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this very practical approach.

The University of Stirling 

September 28th – 15:00-16:00

Room: Cottrell C4B96


Vincenzo Vespri is Full Professor in Mathematics at the University of Florence, previously professor at the University of L’Aquila, Pavia, Milano and Tor Vergata-Rome, as well as visiting professor in various universities in US, Europe, Australia, and South America. His work concerns the existence and the regularity of solution to nonlinear equations arising from Mathematical Physics and the application of Functional Analysis to evolution equations. In the last years the research interests were directed also to Mathematical Models and to applications to Finance, Industrial Mathematics and Blockchains (Cryptography). His research has been published in more than 130 scientific papers.

Contact:  Andrea Bracciali – Computing Science and Mathematics.