SICSA Education: Call for Presentations “Lessons from Lockdown” Event – 29th April

The educational landscape has seen a major shift over the past 12 months. As the world starts to heal, it is important to reflect on what worked and what did not, so we can provide new insights into ways of helping both students and educators move forward and ensure efficacy in teaching/learning.

SICSA Education will host an online event on the 29th April, and we would welcome people talking about their experiences. At this stage we would welcome any presentation which you can propose via this form, that can relate to the theme “Lessons from Lockdown”. These could include (but are not limited to) delivering, assessing and managing CS education in online or dual modes, supporting student learning and wellbeing, accessibility of CS education, etc.

Presentation timings will be confirmed following acceptance, but each talk is expected to last 10 – 15 minutes.

Submission deadline: 26th March
Registration opening on the 5th  April.
Contact: Mark Zarb, Debbie Meharg