SICSA Education Call for Workshop Proposals

Written by SICSA

Deadline extended 

SICSA Education Call for Workshops Proposals in 2015/16

SICSA Education would like to invite the community to apply for funds to host a SICSA Education workshops.  At the education all hands meeting earlier in the year several potential topics for workshops were suggested including:

  • Teaching 1st year programming
  • What makes a good honours project?
  • How to articulate successfully with FE colleges
  • The role of placements within Computing degrees
  • The students role in achieving Athena Swan accreditation

We now invite members of the community to bid to host one of these workshops or to organise a workshop on any other education related topic.

In order to apply please read the guidelines, complete the application form and return it to by Friday 7th November

The funding available per workshop is up to £1,000; the total funding available for this call is £4,000.  The reviewing criteria are detailed in the application form.


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