SICSA-funded places available at The Internet at 100 event, with Dr Vint Cerf

Written by SICSA Admin

We are very pleased to be a sponsor for the forthcoming “The Internet at 100” event, which culminates in a talk by Dr Vint Cerf.  A limited number of SICSA-funded places are available at the event, which takes place on Monday 22nd June at the University of St Andrews.


Dr Vint Cerf, one of the founders of the Internet, will be awarded an honorary degree by the University of St Andrews.  In honour of Dr Cerf’s visit to the University, the School of Computer Science will be hosting an event, culminating with a talk by Dr Cerf.

The event will take place in the Medical and Biological Science (Medical School) Main Auditorium, University of St Andrews.

The Internet is, of course, not 100 years old. It’s not even quite 50 years old, but the talks at this event will look at its history, its current state, and forward to what it might look like at 100.


SICSA have sponsored a limited number of places for staff working within SICSA member institutions.  If you would like to register for a place:

Please go to Eventbrite and use: i@100-sta! as the password, the select the: The Internet at 100 (S/S/N) ticket.


Morning Session
0950-1000 Welcome
Prof Steve Linton, Head of School, School of Computer Science, St Andrews.

1000-1100 Dr Colin Perkins, University of Glasgow. “Video”
chair, Dr Colin Allison

1100-1130 Break 1 (tea/coffee)

1130-1230 Prof Ian Brown, Oxford Internet Institute. “Security and Privacy”
chair, Dr Tristan Henderson

1230-1330 Lunch, sponsored by FanDuel

Afternoon Session
1330-1430 Prof Julie McCann, Imperial College. “Things and Sensors”
chair, Prof Simon Dobson

1430-1440 Comfort Break

1440-1540 Dr Lars Eggert, NetApp and Chair of the IRTF. “Research Directions”
chair, TBC

1540-1610 Break 2 (tea/coffee)

1610-1710 Panel Session – Guest Speakers and Session Chairs
chair, Prof Aaron Quigley

Evening Session – chair Prof Saleem Bhatti
1730-1830 Prof Jon Crowcroft, Cambridge Computer Lab. “A True History of the Internet”

1830-1840 Comfort Break

1840-1940 Dr Vint Cerf, Google.

1940-1945 Closing remarks, Prof Saleem Bhatti

1945-2045 Cheese and Wine reception, sponsored by Google

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