SICSA HCI Sustainable Challenge Fund

The SICSA HCI Theme is proud to announce the 2022 HCI Sustainable Challenge Fund. This fund intends to bring together researchers involved in work surrounding the UN Sustainable Development Goals that involve HCI methods and thinking. We anticipate that this fund will be helpful for researchers interested in running a series of events that will culminate in larger, multidisciplinary research applications.

In this first round, we anticipate funding a maximum of two challenge bids and have £3,000 to support this. Funding can facilitate a series of events linked to a specific challenge theme, and we would encourage applicants to be creative in their approach to this. We also encourage applicants to reach outside of the HCI theme and find collaborators from other academic areas that would add value to their application.

The first round of this funding closes on Friday, 29th April. We will communicate decisions to applicants by 13 May, and all budgets must be spent by the end of July 2022.

Any applications should follow the SICSA Research Theme Event Sponsorship Guidelines.

Applications should be made to and should detail:

The application should be a maximum of 2 sides of A4 paper and should detail:

  • The team involved in the bid (including affiliations),
  • The specific UN Sustainability Goals that the work links to, and how the work promotes these goals,
  • An outline of events planned as part of the Challenge Fund,
  • A brief breakdown of costs for the application

Potential applicants can send any questions surrounding the 2022 HCI SCF Fund to Mary-Ellen Foster  and Michael Crabb.