SICSA PhD Conference 2016: Registration now open

Written by SICSA

The SICSA PhD Conference has become one of the highlights of the SICSA events calendar, bringing together Computing Science and Informatics PhD students, leading academics, and industry practitioners for 2 days of workshops, keynote presentations and social events. The conference is an event aimed specifically at Informatics and Computer Science PhD students and is organised each year by a committee of PhD students and members of the SICSA Executive. The event is fully funded by SICSA, there are no registration fees or accommodation charges.

The 2016 conference will take place on the 27th and 28th of June, 2016 at the Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde.  Delegates from outside Glasgow will be accommodated overnight on the 27th of June in the Chancellors Halls of Residence . More information about things to do and see while in Glasgow can be found from the Glasgow City Marketing Bureau or VisitScotland.

Registration for the conference is now open and places are limited to 150 – therefore we recommend students register as soon as they can.

The full programme is available at the SICSA Conference 2016 web site.

We are delighted to confirm that this year’s conference is being sponsored by Google and ThinkAnalytics


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