Survey participation request: Educational Landscapes During and After COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has forced an unprecedented global shift within higher education in the ways that we communicate with and educate students. This necessary paradigm shift has compelled educators to take a critical look at their teaching styles and use of technology. Computing is a subject which, traditionally, focuses on experiential, in-person activities. COVID-19 has mandated that educators reconsider their use of student time and catalysed overnight innovations in the educational setting.

We are an international group of researchers investigating this impact, as members of Working Group for ITiCSE 2021, and how it will affect computing education as we transition to a post-pandemic setting.

This project invites all computing educators, from institutions of all levels (university, college, high school), to complete this survey, and/or share it across your networks.

This survey is completely anonymous and gathered data will only be used for the purpose of research. All questions in the survey are optional, and there is no impact for submitting an incomplete survey. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the working group leads, Dr. Angela Siegel and Dr. Mark Zarb.

Participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. If you do choose to participate, please expect to spend roughly 17 minutes completing this survey.

Link to the survey:

If you have any ethical concerns about your participation in this research, you may also contact the Director, Research Ethics, Dalhousie University at (902) 494-1462, or email: If you do, you may cite our research project REB file #2021-5647.

Please direct questions or comments to: Dr. Angela Siegel  (Dalhousie University); or Dr. Mark Zarb (Robert Gordon University).