The Coffee Break @ RIS

Written by SICSA

We invite once again participation to the Coffee Break @ RIS, an on- going opportunity to participate in short, informal online conversations with researchers from across disciplines and geographical locations within Scotland. We are joined this month by the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, the UK’s largest facilitator of funding, training and support for doctoral students in social science. By combining the expertise of sixteen universities across Scotland, the school facilitates world-class PhD research. The school is funded jointly by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Scottish Funding Council.

Who can participate:

Any researcher (academic, postdoc, PhD student) from any of the RIS research pools, Innovation Centres and the SGSSS.

Working across disciplines is notoriously difficult in ordinary circumstances. Currently, we don’t have those opportunities for fortuitous encounters that happen in the coffee break – the kind of conversations that can, just sometimes, lead to something really interesting. Join this initiative to make connections with other researchers across Scotland, gain insights and broaden your mind.

How to participate:

You can complete the short form stating your discipline and the discipline you wish to engage with.  The RIS team will coordinate the matching of participants, schedule and set up the 15-minute zoom call.

We don’t place any expectations on these conversations … it is simply an introduction that might lead to something really interesting.

If you need more information:

Get in touch with Tim Storer (SICSA KE Director on behalf of RIS).




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