DemoFest 2018: Bringing Research to Life – Register Now!

Written by SICSA Admin

SICSA DemoFest is the largest event of its kind in Scotland. Now in its eleventh year, it showcases the very best of Informatics and Computing Science research from all of Scotland’s Universities.  

Eventbrite - SICSA DemoFest 2018: Bringing Research to Life

DemoFest provides a perfect opportunity for your organisation to experience, first-hand, the cutting-edge research taking place in Scottish universities. There are 52 research and technology demonstrations at this year’s event and already over 300 delegates registered from academia, industry and the public sector.

Our exhibitors will talk about their research, tell you why it’s important to your organisation, and demonstrate their technology working in real-time.  The event also provides a space for you to discuss future collaborations, business opportunities, internships, employment opportunities and much more.

The 2018 event will feature: 

  • Welcome from Polly Purvis, OBE, CEO ScotlandIS
  • Keynote talk from Ali Shah, Head of Emerging Technology & Strategic Direction at the BBC
  • Keynote talk from Jamie Graves, CEO ZoneFox
  • Exhibition hall with 52 technology demonstrations from 14 Scottish Universities
  • Event Partner Exhibitions


Please register now to avoid disappointment as spaces are filling up fast.

This year’s event is kindly sponsored by:

SICSA’s Continued Support for Cyber Events

SICSA PhD Conference 2019: Now recruiting student organising committee members