REMINDER: SICSA Funding Calls – 29 February 2016 

Written by SICSA Admin

Distinguished Visiting Fellows

SICSA DVF funding provides an opportunity to work with eminent academics, researchers or leading industry figures, potentially leading to long lasting relationships to benefit your own career and future research collaborations.  Equally we want you to share this opportunity with students and other researchers from across SICSA.  We can assist by providing funding for travel, accommodation and subsistence for a visitor from the UK or abroad to come to Scotland and visit the SICSA institutions to give presentations and/or talks on their area of expertise; as well as participating in SICSA Workshops.

More information and how to apply can be found at the SICSA Funding page.

Post-doctoral and Early Career Exchanges Bursary (PECE)

SICSA is able to provide bursaries of up to £7,500 for researchers in Informatics and Computing Sciences at SICSA institutions to take part in researcher visits to Europe, North America, China and India. PECE bursaries provide research training and development opportunities for the most able postdocs and early career researchers across SICSA. Change your surroundings and experience life as a researcher in another institution; develop your network, enjoy another environment and lay the foundations for future international collaborations. It is also hoped that these exchanges will provide opportunities to build experience of international collaboration with academia and/or industry.

More information and how to apply can be found at the SICSA Funding page

Funding Opportunities available from SICSA all year round

We also provide:

  • Financial support for students to attend Summer/Winter schools
  • Funding to organise a research theme event
  • Funding to promote Engagement in European Research (PEER)
  • Summer School Sponsorship

See the SICSA Funding Web-page for more details.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at

SICSA Research Challenge Call Open – £10K available – Deadline Extended

Research Ventures Entrepreneurship Course – SICSA funded places available